Marlon de Azambuja
Born in Brazil in 1978 and based in Paris and Madrid, Azambuja takes apart the components of modernism, abstracting its elements and seeking out patterns in everyday architecture from park benches to city sidewalks.
The artist is interested in architecture. Even though his work is based on photographs, drawings, installations, sculptures, performances, and collages, a commentary on the built world always emerges. With the idea of understanding our cities, he invents new ways of observing our immediate environment, sometimes with humor and poetry, but often following a well-established protocol. For example, it is with some of the basic elements making up the world of construction – bricks, a vise – that he built a brutalist city in the form of an installation; or by drawing on the industrial design of our cities that he created temporary sculptures in the public sphere with adhesive paper, annihilating the function of benches, bus shelters, and streetlamps. At other times, he employs scotch tape to point up the lines that naturally form on the ground. Compiled in series, the photographs documenting his urban interventions suggest geometrical equations governing the idea of a possible urban order – unless it is the opposite.
Nocturna, 2022
Nocturna, 2022
Nocturna, 2022
Nocturna, 2022
Núcleo, 2022
The broken burned kilometer, 2022
Cooling Towers, 2016
Lições de Pintura, 2015
Brutalismo, 2014
Edicto, 2014
Milan, 2014
Panamericano, 2014
Metaesquemas (Genève), 2013
Movimento Concreto, 2009
Vista da exposição Movimento Concreto
Group Show 1 - 28 Feb 2025Adaptação tem suas raízes etimológicas no latim adaptatĭo, formado por ad + aptare, com sentido de articular e encaixar, e aptus, significando adequado. O termo ganhou distintas acepções ao longo...Read more -
19 Nov 2022 - 31 Jan 2023Nuclear and off-center by José Augusto Ribeiro Right from the entrance of the room it is possible to observe, at a single glance, several events - with varied appearances, autonomous...Read more -
MARLON DE AZAMBUJA: concrete Movement
10 May - 5 Jun 2014For his second solo show at Galeria Marilia Razuk, Marlon de Azambuja presents a selection of works, among videos and a series of black paintings that result from his research...Read more -
CURATED BY KIKI MAZZUCCHELLI 31 Oct - 30 Nov 2013Curated by Kiki Mazzucchelli Galeria Marilia Razuk presents, from October 30th to November 30th, the group show Brutalidade Jardim, under the theme of the formation process of Brazilian society starting...Read more
13 Aug - 10 Sep 2011Marlon deAzambuja presents his first solo exhibition at Marilia Razuk Gallery on August 13th. The exhibition includes two series of artworks, one called Editora Calle [Street Press], the title of...Read more -
CURATED BY JACOPO CRIVELLI 17 Sep - 10 Oct 2010CURATED BY JACOPO CRIVELLI VISCONTI How Copenhagen ended. This way the museyroom. Mind your boots goan out. Phew! James Joyce, Finnegans Wake In the memories attributed to one of...Read more
Santo Antônio da Patrulha, Brasil, 1978
Marlon de Azambuja, Nuclear. Curadoria (Curated by) José Augusto Ribeiro, Galeria Marilia Razuk, São Paulo, BR
Foundation, Poush Manifesto, Paris, France
Die Hohle, Imagine the City, Almacenes Altlander, Hamburgo (curated by Ellen Blumenstein)
Fundação, Hangar, Lisboa, Portugal (curated by Bruno Leitão)
Nocturna, Revolver Galería, Buenos Aires, Argentina
La Expresión Americana - Sentir la Visión, MEIAC, Badajoz, España (curated by José Jiménez)
Medio Cuerpo, Galeria Miejska Arsenal, Poznan, Polonia (curated by Ágata Rodríguez)
Ocaso - PostCrisis, Alimentación 30, Madrid, Spain
Campo, Tasman Projects, Madrid, Spain (curated by Bruno Leitão)
Brutalismo Americano, Kadist Foundation, San Francisco, EUA
Cuerpo Presente, Espacio Cultural El Tanque, Tenerife, Spain (curated by Dalia de la Rosa)
Air and Light and Time and Space, Espacio Odeon, Bogotá, Colombia (curated by Alejandra Sarria)
Herencia, Museo Pátio Herreriano, Valladolid, Spain
Space Sentences, Studio Sandra Recio, Ginebra, Suiza
Pensamientos, NoMinimo, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Sobrevalor, Junta espacio de arquitectura, Panamá City
Sentencias Espaciales, Diablo Rosso, Panamá City
Ordem e Progresso, Walk & Talk Festival, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal
Movimento Concreto, Galería Marilia Razuk, São Paulo, Brasil
Brutalismo, Galería Max Estrella, Madrid, Spain
Acciones Concretas, Galería González y González, Santiago, Chile
Immobile, Studio Sandra Recio, Ginebra, Suiza
Nuevos Barrios, Galería Furini, Roma, Italia (curated by Antonio Arévalo)
Arquitecturas Móviles, Sala El Charco - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Lanzarote, Canarias, Spain
Gran Fachada, Galería Max Estrella, Madrid, Spain
Editora Calle, Galería Marilia Razuk, São Paulo, Brasil
Sujetar y Romper, Mustang Art Gallery, Elche, Spain
La Construcción del Icono, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno / Las Palmas, España (curated by Omar Pascual Castillo)
Tres-pass, Espacio Alterna y Corriente, Ciudad de México, México
A Arte favorece a desobediencia, Galería Ybakatu, Curitiba, Brasil
Niveles, Espai Quatro, Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca, España (curated by Neus Cortés)
Operaciones, Explum, Puerto Lumbreras, Spain
Movimento Concreto, Galería Furini, Roma, Italia (curated by Antonio Arévalo)
Potencial Escultórico, Abierto X Obras, Matadero Madrid, Madrid, Spain
3 Propostas para a Cidade de Lisboa, Galería Zaum Projects, Lisboa, Portugal (curated by Bruno Leitão)
Projeto Moderno, Galería Luisa Strina, São Paulo, Brasil
Casas Modernistas para Pássaros, Galería Zaum Projects, Lisboa, Portugal (curated by Bruno Leitão)
Intención de Panorama, Sala de Arte Joven de la comunidad de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (curated by Carlos Garaicoa)
Padronagens de Fogo, Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasil
Derivas e Criaturas – Novas Aquisições da Coleção Municipal de Arte, Galeria Municipal do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Bitácoras, Fundación Casa Wabi, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Querétaro, México (curated by Alberto Rios de la Rosa)
Les échos dún temps lointrant arrivent en sifflant sur le sable, Poush, Paris (curated by Yvannoé Kruger)
Untitled, Km0.2, San Juan, Puerto Rico
De(re)constructed Utopias, AB-Anbar, Londres, Reino Unido
Feeling/Concealing, Palacio de Zaragoza, España (curated by Constanza Huerta
1º Encuentro de Arte Actual LPGC - La Ciudad Tomada, Plaza de Santa Catalina, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España (curated by Dalia de la Rosa, Omar-Pascual Castillo, Octavio Zaya, Suset Sanchez)
El Arca, Centro Cultural Conde Duque, Madrid, España (curated by Pia Ogea)
Aragon Park, Edificio abandonado, Coslada, Madrid, Spain
Under Destruction, Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (curated by Adonay Bermudez)
Dhaka Art Sumit - Seismic Movement, Shilpakala Academy, Bangladesh
En Diálogo, CAAM, Las Palmas de Gran Canarias, Spain
Escrituras Ácratas, Centro Párraga, Murcia, Spain (curated by Teresa Calbo)
Estruturas Encontradas, Galeria Nara Roesler, São Paulo, Brasil (curated by Luis Peres-Oramas)
Museum of Modern Art and Western Antiquities, Section II Department of Carving and Modeling: Form and Volume, Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisboa, (curated by Jens Hoffmann)
Soñé que un museo ardía, Tasman Projects, Madrid, Spain (curated by de Manuela Pedrón Nicolau y Jaime González Cela)
Una manera de veure. Colección Ars Citerior, Espai Volart. Barcelona, Spain
No has visto el final, OTR - Espacio de arte / Madrid, Spain
Front International: Cleveland Triennial for Contemporary Art, Cleveland Museum of Arts / Cleveland, EUA
En Construcción. CGAC / Santiago de Compostela, España (curated by Santiago Olmo)
Dialogue de l'ombre double, Centro de Arte de Alcobendas / Madrid, Spain (curated by Tiago Pinto y Francesco Giaveri)
Narrativas, Colección Pedro Montes, Espacio Cultural El Tranque / Lo Barnechea, Chile (curated by Sebastián Vidal Valenzuela y Sergio Parra)
Lo digerido, Espacio Dorfi / Lanzarote, España (curated by Dalia de la Rosa)
Paradiso, Albumarte / Roma, Italia (curated by Rosa Gijón)
Ação e Reação, Casa do Brasil, Madrid, Spain
The way you read a book is different to how I tell you a story, JahnundJahn / Münich, Alemania (curadoria Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo)
Three Positions. Six Directions, König Galerie / Berlin, Alemania
Hacia una nueva orilla, NC Arte /Bogotá, Colombia (curated by Claudia Segura)
En un silent quiet. Paisatges, Lonja de San Jordi / Alcoi, Spain (curated by Javier Martin)
Todo lo sólido se desvanece en el aire, Centro Cultural de la PUC/ Lima, Perú (curated by David Flores-Hora)
Plagiar o Futuro, Hangar / Lisboa, Portugal (curated by Bruno Leitão, Andrea Rodríguez Novoa)
Imagine Brasil - Artist´s Books, DHC / ART Foundation / Montreal, Canadá (curated by de sección Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, Ana Luiza Fonseca)
Happenland, Radiator Arts / New York, EUA (curated by Almudena Baeza, Eva Davidova)
Trio Bienal, Memorial Getúlio Vargas / Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Paisajes Protegidos, Museo de Bellas Artes de Castellón / España (curated by Javier Badenes)
Name It by Trying to Name It, Drawing Center / New York, EUA
Theorem, Mana Contemporary / Jersey City, EUA (curated by Octavio Zaya)
Contramuro, Galería Instituto de Visión / Bogotá, Colombia (curated by Omayra Alvarado)
Trazos Sensibles, Museo Salvador Victoria / Teruel, Spain
Ejercicios de Traslado, Centro de Arte de Alcobendas / Alcobendas, España (curated by Osbel Suárez)
La angustia de casi saber y quedarse no sabiendo, DiabloRoso / Panamá City, Panamá
Instalations, Studio Sandra Recio / Ginebra, Switzerland
Cruce de colecciones, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno / Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España
The Language of Human Consciousness, Athr Gallery / Jeddah, Arabia Saudí
Cine Bogard - Imaginar un Edificio, Centro Centro / Madrid, Spain (curated by Ines Caballero)
Narrativas Culturales, Galería Paula Alonso / Madrid, Spain (curated by Bruno Leitão)
Turismo Efímero, Addaya Centre d’Art Contemporani / Mallorca, Spain (curated by Adonay Bermúdez)
Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear, Lugar a Dudas / Cali, Colombia (curated by Daniel Silvo)
In Situ, Espacio OTR. /Madrid, España
Cuando el mundo se hace plano. Artistas iberoamericanos en la colección CAAM, Centro de Cultura Contemporánea San Martin / Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Brutalidade Jardim, Galería Marilia Razuk / São Paulo, Brasil (curated by Kiki Mazzucchelli)
Imagine Brasil - Artist´s Books, Astrup Fearnley Museet / Oslo, Noruega (curated by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, Ana Luiza Fonseca)
Regards Flâneurs, ARTHUG / Ginebra, Suiza
Gracia Divina, Sala Gasco Arte Contemporáneo / Santiago, Chile (curated by Andrea Pacheco)
On Painting, CEART - Centro Cultural Tomás y Valiente / Fuenlabrada, Spain (curated by Omar-Pascual Castillo)
Play Time, ARQUA - Museo Nacional de Arqueología Subacuática / Cartagena, España
Nouvelle Vague, Studio Sandra Recio / Ginebra, Suiza
Hacer en lo Cotidiano, Sala de Arte Joven de la Comunidad de Madrid / Madrid, Spain (curated by Beatriz Alonso)
En Obras, Galería Nuble / Santander, Spain (curated by Iciar Sagarminaga)
On Painting, CAAM - Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno / Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (curated by Omar-Pascual Castillo)
Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear, Galeria Isabel Hurley / Málaga, Spain (curated by Daniel Silvo)
Expanded Drawing, Casal Solleric / Palma de Mallorca, Spain (curated by Pilar Ribal)
Latinoamérica: Arte entre identidad y máscara, 10º Art Stays Festival / Ptuj, Eslovenia (curated by Antonio Arévalo)
Carnaza para los Dioses, CAAM - Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno / Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
[Alguns De] Nós, Galería Marilia Razuk / São Paulo, Brasil
Impact, Studio Sandra Recio / Ginebra, Suiza
11ª Bienal de La Habana / Cuba
11ª Bienal de Cuenca / Cuenca, Ecuador
Inside, Ciudad de la Cultura / Santiago de Compostela, Spain (curated by Rafael Doctor)
Nova Escultura Brasileira, Caixa Cultural / Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (curated by Alexandre Murucci)
8ª Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brasil
The Draughtsman’s Contract, Studio Sandra Recio / Geneve, Suiza (curated by Carlos Garaicoa)
Bologna Art First, Pinacoteca di Bologna / Bologna, Italia (curated by Julia Draganovic)
12ª Bienal del Cairo / Cairo, Egipto
Sinergias, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Unión Fenosa / La Coruña, Spain (curated by Carlos Jimenez)
Look Up, Alfandega / Oporto, Portugal (curated by David Barro)
Kierkegaards Walk, Galeria Marilha Razuk / Sao Paulo, Brasil (curated by Jacopo Crivelli)
Aniversario Injuve, Circulo de Bellas Artes / Madrid, Spain (curated by Maria del Corral)
Des-Habitable, Centro Cultural Español / Lima, Peru (curated by Dermis León)
47º Certamen internacional de artes plásticas, Museo de Pollença / Mallorca, Spain
Sinergias, MEIAC / Badajoz, España (curated by Carlos Jimenez)
Sobrestructuras, Espacio de Arte OTR / Madrid, Spain
Postgraffiti, geometría y abstracción, Fundación Caixa Galicia / A Coruña, Spain (curated by Javier Abarca)
A Pari Paso, Galería Novalis / Turín, Italia (curated by Antonio Arevalo)
La vida en este lado, Espacio Liquido / Gijón, España (curated by Javier Hontoria)
Des-Habitable. Espacio OTR. / Madrid, Spain (curated by Dermis León)
Realidades Impossiveis, Ateliê 397 / Sao Paulo, Brasil (curated by Pedro Varella)
Residency 09, Futura Project / Praga, Republica Checa
Hambre, intervenciones en edificio por reformar / Madrid, Spain
La Ligne, La Vitrine / Paris, France
A propósito del espacio, Semana de Arquitectura de Madrid, Espacio OTR, Madrid, Spain
Muestra Injuve / Lima, Perú / Montevideo, Uruguay, Rosario, Argentina
Certamen Ubica, intervenciones publicas, Sant Joan dÁlacant, Alicante, Spain
Construir, Habitar, Pensar - Estrategias para el arte y arquitectura contemporáneos, IVAM / Valencia, Spain (curated by Fernando Castro Florez)
Generaciones, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, Valencia, Valladolid, Sevilla, Barcelona, Spain
Premios Injuve, Circulo de Bellas Artes / Madrid, Spain
Circuitos XVIII Edición, Sala de Arte Joven de la Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid, Girona, León, Pontevedra, Alcalá de Henares, Spain
I Bienal del Fuego, Museo de Bellas Artes / Caracas, Venezuela (curated by Fernando Castro Florez)
9º Salão de Artes Victor Meirelles, Museo de Arte de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brasil
Paris + par Art Basel, Solo Show, Instituto de Visión, Paris
Casa Wabi (residencia) Puerto Escondido, México
2021 - Poush Manifesto (residencia) Paris, France
Movimientos (residencia) Flora Ars + Natura, Bogotá, Colombia
Material Art Fair (solo Project) Galería Macca, México
MACC - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, artista en residencia / Calasseta, Cerdeña
Art Dubai (solo projects) Galeria Sabrina Amrani / Dubai, Emiratos Arabes
Librespacio, Plaza Arcos, NoMinimo Galeria / Guayaquil, Ecuador
Open Sessions, The Drawing Center / New York, USA
Viewing Program, The Drawing Center / New York, USA
Rodeo, Proyección de video en fachada de edificio / Ginebra, Switzerland (curated by Karine Tissot)
Art Lima (solo project), Galería Marilia Razuk / Lima, Peru (curated by Octavio Zaya)
Maco (solo project), Galería Max Estrella / Ciudad de México
Arezzo Wave Love Festival / Arezzo, Italy
Art Rotterdam (solo project), Galería Furini / Rotterdam, Paises Bajos
Arco Solo Objects, Arco Feria Internacional / Madrid, Spain (curated by Manuel Blanco)
The Noise of Bubbles, Red Bull Academy, Matadero / Madrid, España
Pinta Art Fair (solo project), galería Max Estrella / Londres, Inglaterra (curated by Pablo León de la Barra)
Latitud 19º, Intervenciones en la plaza Santo Domingo, Ciudad de México
Aptitudes, intervenciones en La Rambla / Cordoba, Spain (curated by Juan López López)
Volta Uncovered, Volta Art Fair, galería Furini/ Basel, Switzerland
SOS 4.8, Festival de Arte contemporáneo/ Murcia, Spain (curated by Fernando Castro Florez)
Petersburg, HBC / Berlin, Alemania
Tentaciones, Estampa Feria de Grabado y Obra Multiple / Madrid, Spain (curated by Javier Duero)
Futura, Programa Internacional de Residencias / Praga, Republica Checa
Arte Jaén (programa de arte publico)/ Jaén, Spain (curated by Omar Pascual Castillo)
Potencial Escultórico, Intervención en el taller de Encuadernaciones La Eriza / Madrid, Spain
Viewing Program, The Drawing Center / New York, USA
Ayudas a la Movilidad Matadero / Madrid, Spain
Beca de la Fundación Arte y Derecho / Madrid, Spain
Ayudas a la Movilidad Matadero / Madrid, Spain - Praga, Republica Checa
Ayudas a la Creacción Matadero Madrid, Abierto X Obras / Madrid, Spain
Certamen Explum, Adquisición de obra / Puerto Lumbreras, Spain
Beca de las Ayudas a la Creación de la Comunidad de Madrid / Madrid, Spain
Premios Injuve para la Creación Joven, Accésit / Madrid, Spain
Certamen Jóvenes Creadores 2006, Accésit / Madrid, Spain
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Paraná, Curitiba, Brasil
Museo Oscar Niemeyer, Curitiba, Brasil
Fundación Cultural de Curitiba, Brasil
Itau Cultural, Brasil
Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas de Gran Canarias, España
Fundación María Cristina Masaveu Peterson, España
Fundación Helga de Alvear, España
Colección OTR, Madrid, España
Ministerio de Cultura, España
Banco Sabadell, España
Nomas Foundation, Roma, Italia
Fola-Fototeca Latinoamericana, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kadist Foudation, San Francisco, EUA
CGAC - Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago de Compostela, España
Colección Artnexus, Bogotá, Colombia
Fundación Otazu, España
CA2M, Madrid, España
Galeria Municipal do Porto, Porto, Portugal