18 May - 6 June 2008

Horário de Funcionamento:

de segunda a sexta,das 10h30 às 19h e sábado das 11h às 16h

Plastic artist Marcio Mendanha, who goes by his childhood nickname, Kboco (Pronounces CABOCO, a deformationof Caboclo, the mix of the indian andwhite race typical of the Brazilian colonisation process), spent his childhoodin the Planalto Central and didn’t abandoned his relationship with the amplespaces and vast horizons that characterise the region’s landscape.


Kboco has drawn systematically since he was three years old; He startedto work with graffiti at thirteen, and has done lots of urban intevention incities like São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Vitoria, Brasília, Recife,Olinda, Villages at Chapada Diamantina, Santiago (Chile), Valencia (Spain), NewYork among others.

Self-taught, Kboco has his own style and language, and when He arrivedin São Paulo, he was influenced by pixaçao calligraphy. This mixture, bucolicand aggressiveness makes his work original and sophisticated. His nameattracted attention when he was selected for Panorama das Artes, at the Museum of Modern Art in São Paulo, the most important periodical BrazilianExhibition after the São Paulo Biennal. After that, he was invited toexhiitions at Museu Afro-Brasil, Valencia Biennal and showed his work in Spain,England, France, USA.

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