8 February - 15 March 2014


08.02.2014, saturday, 12:00 - 17:00


OPENING 8/02/2014, SATURDAY, 12AM – 5PM

EXHIBITION: 8/02/2014 – 15/03/2014

Galeria Marilia Razuk presents "WMT ", solo exhibition of Wagner Malta Tavares. Having the sound as a characteristic feature, the exhibition consists of 3 videos, 3 photographs and 3 sculptures produced in different times, now grouped in a new and unprecedented configuration.  

Among the videos "Ondas Curtas" (Shortwave)  8'52" simulates tuning a radio. In the image, a light appears to move from the movement of the traveling camera, capturing transmissions in several languages ​​that contain the word MAR. Arising from the installation of lamps by the sea towards making the video, emerged three photos that are also part of the exhibition.

There is also the video "Pião", in which a sound mixer spins in the air and, installed on top of the gallery, is partially seen by the viewer. In another, a hybrid between photo and video (Untitled) , the projection of a photo is vibrated on a subwoofer with the sound of planetary movement.

The sculptures, already presented in 2013 in Brussels, will be shown for the first time in Brazil. They are: "Vigilante" , where a small human figure looking for something on a semi-sphere with specular surface; "Bermuda (Aquarium)" , a submarine in bronze is dipped inside an aquarium and "Bermuda (frozen)" in which a submarine made ​​of ice will melt over 12 hours and back to the template and its natural substance with each passing day.


Multimedia artist, Wagner Malta Tavares utilizes video, sculpture, photography, drawing, performance and installation to manifest his poetics, witch consists on turning visible the fundamental aspects that constructs the relations between people and between people and things; he brings to the sensible experience what is latent. He showed in several important institutions such as Instituto Tomie Ohtake, Sao Paulo, Mac Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Centro Universitário Maria Antonia, Sao Paulo, CCSP, Sao Paulo, FuNARTE Rio de Janeiro, Rider Project in Chicago and NY and Accident at Mnac, Bucarest. In 2006 he was selected by Bolsa Iberê Camargo to be resident at The School of The Art Institute of Chicago
